This project is completely non-commercial!


3D renderings

All images on this website that are renderings produced from my 3D reconstruction practise projects are

(c) 2012-2013 Jens Mondry @

As long as the above credit is stated along with the image, any of these images can be freely used by anyone for non-commercial purposes.

Visitor's photo galleries

The images listed in the visitor's photo galleries, however, are copyright of their respective authors as stated and to be used elsewhere they require explicit permission from the respective author. If no email adress is given at the visitor's gallery then contact me at

Images and Graphics as Exhibits

Images and graphics as they were displayed as exhibits in the "lost" exhibitions are somewhat tricky copyright-wise.

  • They were publicly on display then and the corresponding exhibition does no longer exist.
  • When the exhibitions were open one would have to purchase a photo license (allowance) to take pictures (I always did) which should cover the use of the photographs for this 3D reconstruction and educational purposes.
  • The images displayed (especially the photographs) of space missions usually were in the public domain, taken from publications etc. and the exhibition itself did usually not provide any copyright information on the pictures.

However, having said that, I nevertheless want to make sure not to use any copyrighted material for this website or, if available, to indicate the copyright of the respective image. If in doubt, images or graphics cut out from the visitor photos and used in the 3D model or shown on the exhibits details pages are to be assumed to be copyright of the exhibition or rather it's successor as indicated on the respective "Old and New" pages.

If beyond all that I unintendetly infringe any copyright or right of ownership whatsoever I will upon request remove the image in question. In any such case please contact me at

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